tag : how to

Composition Is King

The JavaScript community is becoming flooded with articles pushing to move toward functional programming or at least more toward composition over inheritance. For a long time we’ve tried to standardize inheritance without the huge mess that comes with the verbosity of the prototype syntax, and now that we have a standard class keyword in ES2015, people are trying harder than ever to tell us we don’t need it. Those people are, for the most part, correct.

The Complete-Ish Guide to Upgrading to Gulp 4

Gulp 4 has been in the works for far too long, but it’s practically inevitable that it’ll be released… some day. I’m here to help you out for when that fateful day arrives by showing you the differences between Gulp 3.x and Gulp 4 and how you can make the migration to the new version relatively painless.

Integrating Your Development Workflow Into Sublime With Build Systems - Part 1: Basic Build Systems

Sublime Text is a lightweight, but capable code editor that is greatly loved by many developers, but if you’re anything like me, you’re saddened a bit by the fact that Sublime doesn’t have an integrated system console. For many tasks that you use in the console, Sublime Text actually has a decent alternative: build systems. They allow you to run any console commands straight from Sublime. In this series I’ll be giving you the low-down on how to use Sublime’s build systems to their greatest potential.

No More Global Npm Packages (Part 2)

In a previous article that I wrote earlier this year, I talked about eliminating project dependencies that needed to be installed globally, such as Grunt, Gulp, Browserify, WebPack, etc. Of course, I didn’t argue for eliminating these packages, just replacing the -g flag with a --save or --save-dev flag when installing them with npm install and then using npm scripts to execute the binaries. Well, there’s more…

The Future of JZJS Is Now...ish

Take a look around. Notice anything different? Yes, the theme has changed! That’s the obvious thing, and it’s actually going to change again, hopefully some time in the next few months. There’s a lot of work being done behind the scenes for this site, so let’s take a look.

JavaScript Charting Made Easy With JSCharting

JSCharting is a capable JavaScript charting library with some advanced features and great rendering output. It utilizes SVG, though as an end user developer, you don’t need to be familiar with or code SVG. There is also some fallback in VML for backward compatibility with older versions of IE browsers. A free trial is available from their site if you wish to run the samples or follow along locally. Online samples using codepen will also be embedded below.

Simplifying the ES6 Workflow With JSPM

For a while now, people all around the JavaScript community have been declaring that it is now possible to use ES6 to produce JavaScript applications. Aside from the fact that browsers are implementing more and more of the spec, there are several great transpilers that will convert you ES6 code into ES5 code, such as Traceur and Babel (aka 6to5 which recently changed its name). Beyond that, there are more and more tools coming out to make the workflow simpler and more robust. Today is a great day for ES6!