As promised/foretold, Joe Zim’s JavaScript Blog has a shiny new face! I spent way too many hours creating this theme so that you fine people could enjoy this JavaScript blog without straining yourselves from staring at the eyesore that we had previously. I hope everyone appreciates the effort put forth and enjoys the new shine.
There were two major reasons for creating this new theme for the blog:
- I wanted to keep the overall darker look without requiring you to read too much light text on a dark background.
- I wanted a sidebar available on every post and page so that people coming straight to a post on the blog from outside would have more ways of knowing that there is more on this site to look at. This is why I also now include new widgets in the sidebar to display recent posts and such.
Feel absolutely free to use the comments below or the contact form to give me feedback/suggestions on making this blog shine even brighter. Also, due to the theme taking more time than I estimated, and doing this announcement about the theme, I will be having an additional post this week. The first post, which should appear Tuesday or Wednesday, will hopefully be a release of a new project that I’m finishing up. Then we jump back into the swing of things on Thursday with a new tutorial (topic to be determined… suggestions). Hopefully some time next week I’ll have the Backbone.js app done so I can start the video series on that.
Happy Coding!